jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

SEMANA 10 CONTESTAR "International profile"

Estimados alumnnos éstas son algunas de las preguntas que les pido contesten para ubicar su perfil internacional
Les pido las contesten en español y las suban a su blog.

Please see your self in an interview were you are going to participate in an trnascultural education context.

1. Describe an occasion where your knowledge of IT tools has proven useful for the purposes of knowledge management and project managment.
2. Do you have any experience with international matrix managment?
3. Describe an occasion when you were successfully able to lead, manage and motivate staff and teams in a multicultural environment?
4. How has our professional experience contributed to your knowledge of international affairs?
5. How has your professional experience helped you to develop knowledge of the working procedures of the International Secretariat and governing bodies?
6. Please describe an occasion where you demostrated an ability to think strategically and manage and drive change.
7. Please describe an occasion where you demostrated an ability to build, manage and promote effective teams, cross-sectorial colaboration and external partnerships.
8. Excellent communication, advocacy and negociation skills. Fund raising experience would be considered an asset.
9. In your professional experience, have you ever had the occasion to create and manage databases?

If you want to know more about international comunication please look at this link